Friday, July 30, 2010


I am trying out new logos. I have always known that I wanted a simple logo and a simple yet beautiful business card. I want something that says something about me but is also professional.

I think this design fits me well! I added a bit of hot pink in there just for a little flare of personality but overall, I shoot clean and professional work so I wanted my card to be a very clean, simple, yet modern design.

Here is what I have so far:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Perfection, what I thought I wanted...

It's funny how things happen in your life that finally make you go "Aha!!". I had that moment today. I was looking through the work of a young photographer and I kept thinking to myself, "wow..,what creativity! man, he has some talent." Well, I am sure he does have talent, but one thing he has that I lack is the power to make images that he carefully creates and thinks through, images that say something about him and his vision.

I constantly feel like I am striving to make photographs that other people will love, or that other people will think are amazing. I have been going about this all wrong. I think that the minute that I finally let go and try something different for a change, is going to be the day that my photography starts blowing ME away.

I want to take pride in the work that I do, but I also want to have fun doing it. The last few shoots have felt like a chore. I feel like I need to make everything perfect for the perfect portfolio. Well the truth is that I have not been doing this that long! I need to experiment and grow, I shouldn't be limiting myself to what I think I am good at right this minute because I have only had around a dozen photoshoots.

This experimenting that I want to do will cost me though. I need more lights. I have decided to save up to get speedlights so that I can further my creativity by not being limited to a studio setting with cords, I will not be tied down.The, even modest priced, speedlights are about $200 per light then you need adapters, modifiers, and stands...but I will cross that bridge when I get there.

I need to be able to know what it feels like to just grab a person and run to any location that inspires me and start shooting something that feels right. I need the experimentation, I need the freedom, I need to be able to be creative again, and most of all I need to know what it feels like to make mistakes so that I can learn as much as possible. I just need right now. I have been so busy giving, giving all of myself...well more of myself than there is. I have been spreading myself too thin and trying to force a perfect portfolio from my camera without any imagination or creativity!

I will continue to shoot beauty work, I will shoot portraits, but I also want to shoot ideas and feelings, moods, and just anything that makes ME feel good. I need to feel good about the choice I am making to start a career in photography. I need to not worry so much about getting clients, being professional, doing things perfectly...because if I let myself go and I feel good about what I am shooting then the rest will take care of itself.

At least...that is what I hope happens!!

Friday, July 16, 2010


So, the shoot went well. Alanah was an awesome girl. She is very new to modeling so I kept it simple and only worked on getting her a great portrait for her portfolio. I think the results are great for her being so new to modeling. She was great to work with and hopefully we will shoot together again sometime.

I did the makeup myself. I kept it very natural with a bronze look. She has a great tan and I had a background paper that matched her coloring. I loved how everything was so cohesive. I am a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes I feel that interrupts the artistic flow because I am so wrapped up in all the little details. That is one thing I am going to try and work on, to relax and have fun with shoots.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I am no longer working during the week now due to scheduling differences. I need to stay home and be with my daughter at this time. I will be working my regular job on the weekends. The good thing about this is that I will have some time to shoot! Thank goodness. I was beginning to think I would never have another photoshoot ever again. Hah.

Anyway...tomorrow I am supposed to work with a very beautiful girl. We are set to do some natural type beauty shots. The only thing is that I do not have a makeup artist scheduled because the shoot was scheduled last minute. I am going to be doing the makeup. I think I have decided to go with a very natural golden summer type of look. I am very nervous but hopefully everything will turn out ok.

I am going to keep everything very natural and easy because I am no makeup artist, that's for sure. Moisturized skin, golden eyes, bronzed cheeks, a really light but shiny lip, natural looking false lashes if we need them, and a shimmery highlighter. I should probably pick up some golden or nude nail polish too.

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What I love to shoot...

I have only had one shoot in my life that would even be, close to being, considered a Beauty shoot. This shoot was done with my very favorite model and close friend, Karen. She is a gorgeous girl and has great skin and facial features. I new she would be perfect to start on, and it helps that she actually believes in me and constantly supports my photography...she is a doll. I actually met her at one of my first photoshoots, and suprisingly it was one of her first shoots also. We produced some great images, and have been friends ever since.
So now that I have one beauty shoot under my belt, I want to do more! I feel like this could really be the genre that I was made for. I LOVE shooting people, more than that, I love shooting faces. That was always why I opted to shoot portraits, but plain portraits are not enough for me, I want the hustle and bustle of the exciting fashion shoots. I know a lot about skincare, makeup, and hair. Again this may be my perfect fit, all I need is some agency type models, great artists, and PRACTICE.
We also had a makeup artist on this shoot, that did a wonderful job. This was my favorite photoshoot, by far. Here are a couple more of the edited images that I got from this shoot:
Again, this was my FIRST attempt at a beauty shoot, so don't be too harsh on me.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Behind the Scenes...

I know that being a photographer isn't going to be an easy thing to accomplish, but it is my greatest passion and what kind of shining example would I be if I didn't follow it?? I don't think I would be much of an example at all.

I want my daughter to know that she CAN do anything in the world that she wants to, within reason. I want to be able to tell her all about my life and share with her my experiences that finally led me to having the most amazing career.

I want to be able to support her, and just be happy in my life. Having my dream career will do that for me. Maybe I am crazy but at least I have goals and set out to achieve them. So many people settle for whatever they have, rather than reaching out of their comfort zones to get what they REALLY deserve.

So with that, I dedicate this blog and all my hard work to my little one. Liliana Alyse Ortiz, you are my little shining star, you are my girl, you are my whole world!

*did I mention that I am also available to take children's photos? :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

my 1st blog post...

{please read my about me section!}

Through this blogging journey, I am going to go from wishing to actually doing. I am going to turn my dreams into a reality. I am tired of sitting by the sidelines, waiting for someone to call me into the game. I am going to strap on my big girl pants and charge in. Taking the initiative is going to be the first step. I am scared to death, but I need to do this now! No one is going to push me to do this, I have to push myself. I have realized my goals, and dreams and there is no going back. This is what I want, and I will settle for nothing less. Obviously, I have more to think about and more to do than just photography, but I need to take the first steps.

I have certain steps and goals that I need to complete before any of this can be started. Blogging about everything is just going to be a way to hold me accountable, keep me motivated, and inspired to achieve these goals.

Bare Minimum (starter) Goals:

-Begin to sketch out ideas for shoots so that the end product is portfolio worthy.
-Hold at least 2 photo shoots a month in order to add quality images to my portfolio in the genre that I want to work in.
-Cast models that actually look and model the part.
-Cast exceptional Makeup Artists and Hairstylists for every shoot!
-Finally decide on a logo design for a business card.
-Create Business Cards and Promo Cards to pass out to get my name and work out there.
-Go to local businesses that may need photography services like jewelry shops or boutiques and hand out business cards.
-Send Promo Cards and Portfolio out to at least 3 companies, agencies, etc. per month AFTER I have 10-15 GREAT images in my portfolio.
-Network, Network, Network