She shoots a lot of sexy images and I am not the person to come to when you want to do a sexy shoot but she encouraged me to at least try something different. I am glad that I broke out of my comfort zone, but it wasn't easy. I give props to people that shoot sexy shots and glamour well! You would think that it is just shooting chicks in lingerie but it is a lot more than that!
I always thought it would be fairly simple, but for someone like me that enjoys shooting beauty and portraits, it was very nerve wreaking and stressful. I learned at this shoot that I am very anal about my images. I like to compose a great shot and I don't let go. I think that Anna taught me that I should relax more and enjoy shooting whatever that I may be shooting even if I am not familiar with it.
I did surprise myself and we got a few really nice images! I also did the hair and makeup for this shoot.

You're so sweet Christy!!! It was such a pleasure working with you. :) I'm happy we could learn from each other. I can't wait to finish what we started!